What is the average size of a bedroom?

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On average, an apartment bedroom is 132 square feet in the US. For houses, the average bedroom measures 219 square feet. This average is well above the rest of the world, where houses in the US are larger on average. Legally, a bedroom should be at least 70 square meters.

  • Average bedroom dimensions in an apartment
  • Average bedroom dimensions in a house
  • The average size of a master bedroom
  • The average size of a small/ kids’ bedroom

Average bedroom dimensions in an apartment
The average bedroom size of an apartment does not only differ per country, but also between cities, districts, and areas. In New York, for example, the average apartment bedroom is smaller than in other cities. On average the dimensions are 11 by 12 feet.

Average bedroom dimensions in a house
A bedroom in a house is 219 square feet on average as mentioned before. This average takes both master bedrooms and other bedrooms into account. A house has 3.38 bedrooms on average.

The average size of a master bedroom
A master bedroom is 309 square feet on average, being significantly larger than other rooms. Having a master bedroom like this, will a king-size bed to fit easily, creating a real master bedroom feel.

The average size of a small/ kids’ bedroom
Legally. to be considered a bedroom, the room should be at least 70 square feet or 7 by 10 feet. Smaller than this and sellers won’t be able to call it a bedroom in a housing listing. On average, a room for children is 10 by 10 feet (100 square feet). This allows room for a twin-bed. In case you would like to place a larger bed, a larger room is recommended.