What does a do not enter sign mean in a teenage room?

When your kid grows up, having a desire for more privacy is not uncommon. As they grow older, they face a lot of challenges. Do they fit in their social group, what kind of person are they, what do they want to do in life, etcetera? The teenage brain develops rapidly, they gain skills they did not have before and have new interests. What do these things got to do with a ‘do not enter’ sign? Keep on reading to find out.

  • Teens crave more privacy
  • It gives them more independence
  • Learn to recognize red flags

Teens crave more privacy
As mentioned above, teens have a lot of things to figure out before reaching adulthood. This often results in a need to have more privacy to figure things out. Besides their brain and relationships to their environment, their body is also rapidly changing. This can result in not wanting a parent or brother lunging into their room when they are just figuring something out about themselves.

It gives them more independence
Having the right to make decisions about their space gives them a sense of independence. This is one of the many learning processes they go through as a teenager. More autonomy combined with responsible behavior results in a more balanced, healthy, and trustworthy person when they reach adulthood. Keeping your teen away from any autonomy will result in a more dependent adult.

Learn to recognize red flags
The do not enter sign should not mean you are not allowed to enter the room anymore (the opposite of what the sign literally says). It should mean the teen wants you not to invade the room randomly. Extreme secrecy is a warning sign a parent should not ignore. Trust your instincts when it comes to knowing when to step in. Let them earn their privacy through responsibility.