How to convert a garage into a playroom?

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Especially in smaller homes, it can be challenging to find the space for a playroom, in particular when the family is growing. However, an un-used garage will do just fine to create the playroom that your children are longing for. Here you will read what changes are required to easily convert your garage into a playroom that your children can enjoy for years to come!

  • Insulation
  • Walls
  • Floor

Especially in colder climates, you might want to improve insulation to keep the playroom at a comfortable temperature. This can be done by filling up cracks and making sure all windows and doors close properly. When cold air is still coming through, buy some draft strips at your local home depot.

Garage walls are often not the most beautiful and you might want to upgrade. Especially if these drywalls still have old screws, nails, or holes from previous wall installations for your gardener tools. Replacing drywall is often not very costly and will also give you the opportunity to fix the isolation layer behind it. Don’t forget that to turn your garage into a playroom, it will also require a more friendly look and some paint on the wall will do miracles!

Children spent a lot of time playing on the ground. This, however, is not ideal in a garage, and improvements are often required. Especially when your garage has this concrete cold floor, you might want to add some insulation layers to keep out the cold out and make it softer. For a playroom, a carpet is often a good choice to make it more comfortable for your child as well as safer!