How much are kitchen cabinets?

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Kitchen cabinets define the looks and comfort of your kitchen. They do not only provide the much-needed storage space in your kitchen but also play a huge role in the design. When renovating your kitchen, the cabinets can make a huge difference. The price is mainly determined by whether the cabinets are:

  • Stock
  • Semi-Custom
  • Custom

Going for stock Cabinets can decrease the cost significantly, but you are limited in your choices. Not only are there measurement constraints, where it is hard to find the right size, but you can also not customize the cabinets with door handles for example. Be prepared to pay between 50 and 300 dollars per linear foot. Make sure you measure your kitchen well before purchasing stock cabinets. When done properly, you can find yourself a decent looking kitchen for a friendly price!

Choosing semi-custom cabinets can be a good option when you have a hard time finding the right stock cabinets. You will pay slightly more but will the freedom to determine measurement options and more styles. Semi-custom cabinets will cost you between 75 and 650 dollars per square meter. This is the ideal combination for homeowners seeking a special design without a hefty price tag.

For those of you with a bigger budget, custom cabinets can be a real upgrade for your kitchen. Especially when your kitchen has an odd shape or you have a specific design or functionality needs. When considering custom cabinets, be prepared to pay between 300 and 1200 dollars per linear feet. With the right cabinet professional, you will have endless design possibilities for a unique kitchen that fulfills all your needs and desires.