What is a Billiard Room?
When you think of high-end recreation at home, typically only a few things come to mind..such as a family pool, a media room, and of course, a billiard room. Not to be confused with the ever-popular Man Cave, the billiard room is truly a family space where everyone can enjoy the fun of a good game of pool.
This game, which has actually been around for centuries, is still true to its original form. The Billiard Congress of America states “The term billiards comes from the French. The root words are either ‘billart’ which is one of the sticks or ‘bille,’ which means ball. The sport had its beginnings way back in the 15th century in Northern Europe”. However, the game we now know as pool is distinctly American, as the BPA says on their website, “Fifteen-ball billiards was developed in America. The tables were installed in houses where bets or pools on horses were made. The idea was to give the gamblers something to do between races. Gradually the houses took on the name of ‘Pool Rooms”.